
Current version: 1.6.0
Based on osCommerce 2.3.4
updated: 11 November 2016

proud sponsor of osCommerce

Do you have questions? You are more than welcome. For example: Can you install mini template system for me? Is it possible to use my current template with your system? Is it possible to customize the templates further? Are there more templates available than the base template? What do you like more lemons or melons? Whatever.

We'll be happy to listen to you and happy to answer your questions.

You can be sure about one thing: there is no outsourced customer service and no automatic email replies. We do answer each question personally, the same way we developed the system.


  • Template settings

    Install, activate and preview a template

    First thing to do, after mini template system is installed on your server, is to install and activate a new template. In that way your osCommerce store will get a new look right away. Read here how to install, activate and preview your templates with a single click. You can de-activate and remove them in the same way

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  • Template settings

    General template settings

    First group of settings you can do to your template are "generall settings" They affect the general appearance of your store. Here you can set the store's and column width, the columns position and much more. Read here how to configure them

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  • Template settings

    Background color settings

    Background colors affect the final look and feel of the store to avery high grade. Mini template system has many configuration options to create a real unique template. Read here how to use the options

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  • Template settings

    Shadow combinations overview

    Shadows are a great way to wrap your websites content. Mini template system includes 21 pre-configured shadow combinations for you to choose from, here is a quick overview.

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