
Current version: 1.6.0
Based on osCommerce 2.3.4
updated: 11 November 2016

proud sponsor of osCommerce

Do you have questions? You are more than welcome. For example: Can you install mini template system for me? Is it possible to use my current template with your system? Is it possible to customize the templates further? Are there more templates available than the base template? What do you like more lemons or melons? Whatever.

We'll be happy to listen to you and happy to answer your questions.

You can be sure about one thing: there is no outsourced customer service and no automatic email replies. We do answer each question personally, the same way we developed the system.

Category - news

Mini template system version 1.3.02 released

  • June 28, 2011

This is a maintenance upgrade that addresses following issues: Link target attribute for menu maker fixed, Protection added to top navigation bar, to avoid the error “division by zero”, z-indexes of several elements adjusted, w3c validation, new shadow schemes added.

Mini template system version 1.3 released (mts v 1.3 front page manager and banner manager)

  • April 12, 2011

Mini template system for osCommerce 2.3.1 has been upgraded. The new version is version 1.3. A new efficient banner manager, a modular front page manager with many configuration options, a language “box” in the header and many more useful features are now available to all mini template system users

Mini template system version 1.2 released (mts v 1.2 link manager and menu maker)

  • March 5, 2011

Mini template system introduces in this version a new way to manage links directly in the osCommerce administration panel: The all new link manager. Links can be created easily, and organized into groups in various ways. Also new: A menu maker for the top navigation bar and the side columns

Mini template system version 1.1 released (mts v 1.1 flexible page width and faux columns effect)

  • January 16, 2011

Mini template system for osCommerce 2.3.1 has been upgraded. The new version is version 1.1 What is new in this version? Flexible page width By default, the page with of any osCommerce store of version 2.3.1 is set to 960 pixels. This comes because of the usage of the 960gs grid system, that set the page width, as it’s name […]

Mini template system available to download (mts v 1.0)

  • January 5, 2011

We are proud to announce that the first official release of mini template system for osCommerce version 2.3.1. is available to download and use. The download link is here The system is available in 2 forms: As a “modular package“: This package contains all necessary files and instructions to install mini template system on an existing osCommerce store, that it […]

Second demo release (mts v 0.2)

  • December 28, 2010

Today, on December 28 2010, the second improved demo version of mini template system for osCommerce got uploaded. What is new in this version? more features: more features got added to configure the basic appearance of the store, such as the height of the header and the position of the logo (vertically and horizontally) colorpicker: To set and change the […]

Initial demo release. (mts v 0.1)

  • December 19, 2010

Today, on December 19, 2010 the first initial release of mini template system got uploaded and made accessible to the public. The target was to get first opinions and to test the system on many different environments The first demo release has following features included, all of them where administration settings: ui theme switcher: easily change the ui theme for […]

Birthday of an idea – mini template system for osCommerce v 2.3.1

  • December 18, 2010

It was a couple of weeks after the latest osCommece version (version 2.3.1) got released, when a handful of people, where exchanging opinions about it and particularly about the “ui theme” feature, that would allow to users to change a good part of the stores look, simply by adding a new ui theme. To bad that even for a simple task like this a basic technical knowledge, and software, would be required.