
Current version: 1.6.0
Based on osCommerce 2.3.4
updated: 11 November 2016

proud sponsor of osCommerce

Do you have questions? You are more than welcome. For example: Can you install mini template system for me? Is it possible to use my current template with your system? Is it possible to customize the templates further? Are there more templates available than the base template? What do you like more lemons or melons? Whatever.

We'll be happy to listen to you and happy to answer your questions.

You can be sure about one thing: there is no outsourced customer service and no automatic email replies. We do answer each question personally, the same way we developed the system.

Create a custom page width for your store

Mini template system includes already 9 alternative page widths, additional to the default osCommerce 960 pixels width. This makes in total 10 page widths available to be selected via your administration panel. You can read here about how to use this option.

However, in case you need a custom width that does not exist in your drop down menu, it’s very easy to create one, without having to modify any php file. Let’s start:

1. Create a custom css file online

As we all know, osCommerce use the 960 grid system in it’s latest version. So, first thing to do is to go to the 960 grid system website and click on “custom css generator” on the left.

The 960 grid system website

You will be transfered to a custom css generator, that you can access directly too of course. You’ll have in front of you following screen:

A very useful css generator for the 960 grid system and osCommerce

Here you will need to change the  “number of columns” to be 24 and the “gutter width” to be 10. This will make the resulting css file to be conform with the rest of your store’s setup. What you can alter to any number is the “column width”. Setting this to number “30” will result to the default 960 pixels width:

The default settings of osCommerce: 960 pixels, 24 columnsYou don’t need this of course, since it is already included in osCommerce. The settings for a 1032 pixels wide website for example are like this: 33 column width, 24 columns, 10 gutter

Creating a custom width for osCommerce: 24 columns, 1032 pixels wide

If this is the page width you need, then press on “download css file”. You will get a copy of the new created custom css to your screen. Save this file to your computer and name it by the width that you selected, in our example the filename would be 1032_24_col.css

2. upload the new file to your server

Use your favorite FTP program to upload the file “1032_24_col.css” to following location


If you don’t have an FTP program by hand, you can do the same via your host cPanel. Please contact if you need instructions on how to do this

3. activate the new width

That’s the most easy part thanks to mini template system. All you need to do is, to go to the mini template system area of your osCommece administration panel, click “edit” on the template you want to use your new custom width, select it from the drop down menu, and save the settings


Select a new page width within your osCommerce administration panel

You can of course preview your store in your administration by clicking “preview”. If all is ok and to your satisfaction, you can activate the template (if it is not active already) and go to your store to enjoy the new look