Here you will learn to configure the front page module that contain your product categories. You can install the front page categories module in the same way like all other front page modules
Configure the front page categories modules
Configuring the front page banners mean to make decisions about the content, about the layout and about the various options for text size and color, backgrounds borders etc.
- front page categories – general settings
- front page categories – module content
- front page categories – basic setup
- front page categories – slider settings
- front page categories – boxes content
- front page categories – container settings
- front page categories – module title settings
- front page categories – boxes settings
To start with the front page banners configuration please press on “edit” on the right hand panel for the banner module you want to configure
General Settings
Following settings are available:
- Enable the module: You can enable or disable the module. Disabling mean that it won’t display anywhere, any settings you did will be saved
- General display: “yes” mean that the module will display on the front page unless there is an other setting via page profiles. “no” mean that the module won’t display unless there is a setting in page profiles.
- Module position: There are 3 possible positions available: (1) Full width on top or bottom of the page, or within the content area
- Sort order: Set the sort order of the module on the screen in relation to other modules of the same group. If, for example, you set the module to display on top and full width, the sort order will be compared to the sort order of any other modules with the same placement. If you set it to display in “content” it will be sorted in comparison to the other front page modules with the same placement
- Display the module title: select the if you want to display the module title. You can switch this on or off as per your needs. In case you decide to display it, you’ll have many configuration options available
Please note, that you can set the sort order, the position or enable/disable the module individually for any front page profile you have, using page profiles
You can display any category or subcategory on the front page. To do this, simply select its parent category from the drop down menu. All its subcategories will be displayed on the front page. If you want for example to display your top level categories, select “top” on the dropdown menu. If you want to display all DVD movie categories, then select “dvd movies” as the parent category. In any case please be sure to select a category that has subcategories. The drop down menu is structured in such a way, to help you identify this.
Set a sort order for the module and press on “save” and go to your store to see the result. You wll see the selected categories on your front page
Basic setup
Following settings are available:
- Display mode: You can select if you want the categories boxes to be displayed as a slider as a grid or in default mode. Selecting “grid” you will get a static display of boxes on the front page. You can configure the content of the boxes in the next steps. Selecting “slider” you will get the same boxes in a horizontal slider. Selecting “default” you will get a the default osCommerce way of listing, but you will be still able to do some configuration settings to this too.
- Respect margins: Here you can decide if you want the module to respect the store margins or to expand till the edge of the available store width. Setting this to “yes” the module will adjust within the content margins. Setting it to “no” the module will occupy the full available width
- Number of categories: This is the total number of categories to be displayed. You can have for example 10 top level categories in your store, if you set this number to 3, only the first 3 categories will be dispayed
Tip: Since you can set the sort order of your product categories, when setting them up in admin, you can create in that way something like “featured categories” and display them on the front page - Categories per row: In case of a display as a “grid” or in “default” mode you can set the number of categories to be displayed per row. After this number is reached, and if there are still more categories to display, a new row will start. In case of a display as a “slider” the number sets the the category boxes to be displayed at the same time on the screen. So you can select for example to display your categories in sets of 4
- Not enough categories: Here you can decide what to do with the module in case the total available categories are less that the selected categories per row. If you select for example to display 4 categories per row, but you have only 3 subcategories in this parent category. Available settings are “hide” and “display”.
Slider settings
Slider settings are same for all front page modules, please check the section slider settings for details. Please note that any settings in this section are relevant only in case you selected “slider” as a display mode
Categories boxes content
Next set of settings you can do are about the content of each category box, in other words you can decide why kind of information you want to display for each category. Please note that following settings are valid only in case of a “grid” or “slider” display. In case you choose the “default” osCommerce mode, the module will display the categories image and the categories name under it
- Display categories name: Select if you want to display the categories name
- Display categories image: Select if you want to display the categories image. The image size is same as the “subcategory image size” used for all product listings when displaying subcategories. You can set this in your administration panel under configuration > images
Container settings
Next set of settings you can do are about the design and layout of the container that hold the category boxes. Settings will apply in both cases of display, as a grid as a slider or in default mode
- Container padding: This is the top and bottom padding of the container that holds the category boxes. You can enter any value in pixels
- Container background: This is the background color of the container that holds the category boxes. You can select any color intuitively, using the colorpicker
- Container border: Select if you want a border for the container that holds the category boxes. You can select top border, bottom border, top and bottom, or a border all around
- Container border thickness: You can set the border thickness in pixels
- Container border color: You can select the border color using the colorpicker or by entering the hex value without # in front (eg ff0000 for red)
Module title
In case you decided to display the module title, you have following configuration options available:
- Module title text size: Enter any size you want in pixels
- Module heading alignment: You can set the alignment to left or right. The option to align center will come in version 1.4.2
- Module title vertical padding: Set the vertical padding of the module title in pixels
- Module title horizontal padding: Set the horizontal padding of the module title in pixels
- Bottom margin of module title: Set the distance of the module title to the module content
- Title text color: Select the text color using the colorpicker or by entering the hex value without # in front (eg ff0000 for red)
- Title background color: Select the background color using the colorpicker or by entering the hex value without # in front (eg ff0000 for red)
- Title border: Select the border for the module title. Following options are available: top, bottom, left, right or a border all around
- Title border thickness: The thickness of the module title border in pixels
- Title border color: The color of the module title border
Boxes Settings
Next set of settings you can do are about the design and layout of the categories boxes. Settings will apply in both cases of display, as a grid or as a slider, but not in case of the “default” display
- Basic style: Here you can select if you want the style of the listing to be based on the themeroller theme or the css color scheme. In any case you will be able to change any of the default settings below. Leaving the below settings empty mean that the default values, depending on your selection here, will be used
- Box heading text align: You can align the box heading to the left, to the right, or place it to the center of the box
- Box heading placement: You can decide if you want the categories name to be on top or under the categories image
- Boxes margin: This is the distance of the boxes to each other in pixels. You can enter any value, default is 2 pixels.
- Boxes border: Select if you want the category boxes to have a border. Please note that if you use “ui widget” as a basic style, there will be most likely a border coming from the selected ui theme. The border you add here will be an additional border
- Boxes border thickness: The thickness of the boxes border in pixels
- Boxes border color: The color of the category boxes border
- Boxes border hover color: The color of the boxes border upon hover
- Boxes heading background color: This is the background color of the box headers, you can select ay color using the color picker. Please note that even referred as “box header”, it can be displayed on top or bottom of the box, depending on your settings above
- Boxes content background color: This is the background color of the box body
- Boxes heading text color: This is the text and link color of the box header