We are happy no announce the release of a new Mini Template System version: Version 1.5.1.

Following is new:

1) New modules

  • Banner boxes. This is a new series of modules allowing you to display banner in the left or right column of the store. Each module has various available settings,, similar to the content banner modules. You can display banners as a slider or as a grid having the one under the other. The modules have a very nice responsive behaviour, that you can also configure in admin
  • Front page manufacturer module. You can now display your manufacturer logos on the front page, there are various configuration setting available, same like for the other modules

2) New features

  • New “full screen position” for banner modules. You can set each banner to display as full screen, covering 100% of the screen regardless the store width that you use. You can display a banner in “full screen” mode, either on top (after the header) or at the bottom (before the footer) of the page
  • Setting added to allow <br> tags in product descriptions on the product listing pages and in the various modules that display products. The rest of the html formatting you use is still stripped out
  • Separate “sort by” options for the product listing module not related to the content displayed. That mean that you can e.g. let people sort the listings by “weight” and “date added”, while you don’t display that information on the screen. The opposite is possible to, to display e.g. the quantity and while you don’t allow a sorting by quantity. The exact configuration is entirely up to you
  • A number of new colour settings allowing you to use nice semi transparent colours almost everywhere. For each area you can set the colour and its opacity and create that way very interesting effects. Also added many settings for detail areas, for example the slider controls, where you can now create great looking arrows, entirely css based and just by doing settings in admin

Also included: 6 new great looking ui themes, try them out

3) Improvements and fixes

- thank you all for your valuable feedback

  • Improved SPPC compatibility for the product listing module
  • Improved behaviour for the main navigation when switching from collapsed to expanded mode or when you resize the browser window
  • Fixed the “division by 0” problem for banner and product modules. The problem occurred if you accidentally left the valuees for “total number of products”, “maximum number of products per row” and “minimum number of products per row” empty
  • Double listing of “linked” products in advanced search results fixed
  • The link to the shopping cart page, within the shopping cart drop down in the header, appear now on the top of the list of products in case there are more than 4 products in the shopping cart
  • Improved behaviour of “faux columns” and top heading image in case you use the 100% store width
  • Improved behaviour of the top heading area in case you set it to be “sticky”
  • Improved display of shadow numbers 31 and 41

As usual, there are also many improvements and fixes that affect the processes happening “behind the scenes”

The new version is available to download right away. Existing mini template system users will be notified by email. Upgrade packages will start sending on Monday 30/11. Please be patient up to 48 hours before asking why you didn’t receive the upgrade. Please note that upgrades are sent to the email that you used when purchasing MTS

Existing users, please note, that you can perform the upgrade on any osCommerce version 2.3.1, 2.3.2, 2.3.3,,,, or 2.3.4

Minimum php version requirement is 5.3